Monday, May 16, 2011

First post from the "Real World"

I've been living in my apartment by myself for a whole week now. It's weird getting used to living on your own when you've always lived with family or roommates. I don't have to share the TV remote, I can set the thermostat at whatever temperature I want, and I only have to clean up after myself. Overall, I like it a lot. I do miss my old roommates and it does get lonley sometimes, but it's been pretty good so far.

I'm still working two part-time jobs as of now, but I've been interviewing for a job at KU and got called back for a second interview this week. I'm very excited and I think I could do really well at this job, but it's in Lawrence and that's going to use up a lot of gas and time every day. That's the only negative about the job and I'm trying to decide if it's worth it.

My not-so-little sister is graduating from high school this Sunday, I think I'm having a harder time realizing that she's actually graduating than I did with my own. She'll be coming up to Olathe for college, so it'll be nice to have her close again.

So there's just a litte up-date on what's been going on these past few weeks. Hopefully I'll have more exciting news to put on here soon.

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