Thursday, March 24, 2011

Have you met my pet Peeve?


It's a simple task to master. You put your clothes in, put your soap in, and here's the most important part - you take them out when they're done. Seriously, people. We are in college. What is so hard to remember about getting your clothes out of the washer when they're done? Apparently this is too much to ask of certain people but I just don't understand it. So, yes, I am one of those people who puts your wet clothes on top of the washing machine when I need to put mine in. I used to put them in the dryer, but then one time I got chewed out by a girl who told me I shrunk her clothes when she found out it was me who was trying to be nice when she left her clothes in the washing machine an hour after they were done. Leaving your laundry in the machine is one of my biggest pet peeves.

Another thing that drives me crazy is when people have their window wipers on high when it's sprinkling. I get this overwhelming urge to chase them down and tell them that it's not pouring and there's no need for their wipers to be going so fast. Don't they get annoyed by that squeaky/scraping sound when there's not enough water on the windshield? They're just wearing them down faster and going to have to spend more money replacing them. Just writing about it is making me tense. I have know idea why this bothers me so much but it really gets to me.

So here's the question, what's your pet peeve? I'm not asking for things that annoy you, I'm asking for things that make you queasy, upset, even angry. And if you're out driving when it's raining and you see me running behind your car trying to get your attention, it's more than likely because your wipers are on too high. Or you left your laundry in the machine.

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