As of today, March 18, I have exactly 51 days to find a place to live or a person to live with. Here's a rundown of my options...
Option 1
Get the summer internship that I interviewed for and stay in Olathe for at least two months. I won't know if I get the internship until sometime after March 25, which makes planning difficult but I really want this internship. It's with a marketing company and it's paid, which is amazing. I really hope that this works out, but it still leaves me in need of a place to live for two months while I'm working.
Option 2
Get an apartment and take one of the first full time jobs I find so I can support myself. This would be better if I could find a roommate, but so far I haven't had any luck. Everyone I've talked to is either moving back home for the summer, living on campus next semester, or already has committed to living with someone else. I could afford a one bedroom, but money would be tight and I'd rather not.
Option 3
Move back home. I would save a lot of money, but this is my least favorite option. I've lost touch with pretty much all of my friends in Wichita and I would be farthest away from the friends I've made in college. I'll do it if I have no other choice, but for right now this is my back-up plan.
So in the spirit on apartment/roommate searching I've posted the following ad I found on Craigslist. They're looking for a roommate, and while it sounds promising, I just have a funny feeling that it wouldn't be the best living situation...
I am seeking out a roommate. I've had several the past 3 months that did not work out so well and am hoping to find "the perfect housemate." I think it can be done!
I do have a few rules that need to be followed, but other than that, we should get along fine!
I request that you listen to all music via headphones. I have mild tinnitus and the sounds from most Hi-Fi equipment sans headphones really irritate me. I am open to discussing music, but sadly we cannot directly share it as my ears can't handle rapidly changing frequencies. (If you'd like to share lyrics, I'd be more than delighted to oblige!)
If you are going to cook, please do not use the following spices: curries, paprika, anything Cajun, and dill. The smells of these things turns my stomach. (If you have any scents that you'd like to avoid, by all means let me know and I'll do you the same honour.)
You must brush your teeth at least twice a day. If there is anything I cannot stand it's filthy teeth. (Believe me, I've had a couple roommates who just could not handle this simple routine - your gingiva may not mind, but I certainly DO.)
If you are going to watch TV, please let me know in advance which programs you'd like to watch. I do have TiVo, by the by, and I have certain shows that I simply must watch when they originally air. I cannot be too flexible with this because I cannot stand to wait to see my programs. You have to understand that I simply have to watch them when they originally air or I will get a little batty. Most of my programs are on public broadcasting and do not tend to run during prime-time spots.
I do not appreciate unannounced house-guests. I need to know at least two days in advance that company is coming - I need to know the duration of the stay, and the nature of the visit. But, I am open to any and all visitors, I just need to know the specifics involved.
I have reduced rent drastically because I realise that some of my requests might seem slightly stringent. I will pay the bulk of the rent in exchange for your understanding, your commitment to the house, and your humouring of my quirks.
You must be ok with my upholstery hobby. On every third Tuesday of the month I request that you vacate the house between the hours of 4 pm - 11:45pm while I upholster various pieces of antique furniture. I am a perfectionist and require complete silence in the house. I've tried this with housemates who've promised to stay in their rooms, but this proved impossible as bathroom habits demand a regular schedule that interrupts my artisan work. That said, I will give you a small stipend on these days if it will assist you in finding something to do with that block of time.
No newspapers or magazines. The ink gets everywhere and the gloss irritates my eyes. Sorry! You are free to read them on the front porch, but they must be stored outside of the house (perhaps in your car?)
This is not to sound discriminating, but, if you speak either French, Urdu, or Afrikaans, I kindly request that you not speak them in my vicinity as the cadences used in these languages are grating to the ears and nerves, for me.
I have fresh produce delivered from an undisclosed location to my home every Wednesday afternoon. Please do not purchase fruits or vegetables and bring them home. You can request any that you desire and I will add them to my order queue. (I am fastidious about potential-GM produce and pesticide usage - I will not tolerate either!) Also, if you insist on preparing red meat dishes in the home, do cook the meat thoroughly. IT MUST SIZZLE.
No cellphone tones in my home! Please use silent mode only!
You are not to use paints in the home. The noxious odours will aggravate my allergies!
That's the summary of my requests! I do actually have a handbook which I will provide for your perusal during our interview (yes, there will be an interview for final-stage candidates) that outlines all of my more particular requests.
If you are interested, please email me the following information:
1. Name
2. Occupation
3. Age
4. Allergies
5. Favourite author
WOW! That is a CRAZY list of things. I know how you feel about moving though...I just got an apartment all by myself downtown because no one could live with me. I basically have to make bank to survive on my own. I am a little afraid that I am not going to be a good adult. :) But you will figure it all out!
ReplyDeleteMelissa! I have a spare room at my house you can rent for a year, until you figure out what you want, or save money!
ReplyDeleteIt's just Chester and I.
I clean, cook, listen to music alone. I'm basically a mexican maid, minus the mexican and the maid part.